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We understand that it wont always be possible to attend each and every cadet activity. It is the responsibility of every Cadet to report an absence.  Once reported we will note you as being excused for the activity rather than absent.  Being excused may still affect your overall attendance as outlined below. 


Regular indications of being absent rather than being excused demonstrates a lack of personal accountability and can affect their selections for advanced training, honours and awards etc.


In addition to completing this form you MUST ALSO follow the Chain of Command by contacting your Section Sergeant and/or Platoon Warrant Officer. 

If a Cadet is absent for 4 consecutive weeks, they will be removed from the Cadet Corps and if you come back, you will have to re-apply.

Reporting Late or Leaving Early

Sometimes it will be necessary to either report late to or leave early from a cadet activity.  This will generally not be an issue, again personal accountability is essential.  If you know you will be late arriving or will need to leave early please let us know as soon as possible. Once you arrive and/or before you depart you must report to the Corps Office, so that we can track your arrival/departure accordingly.

Report an Absence

Please fill out the form below:

Thank you for reporting your absence. Reminder that Cadets are also required to inform their Chain of Command.


As with any activity, whether it is a sports team, service group, or music lessons, what you get out of the program is directly related to what you put in.  Attendance at corps training, parades, and activities is essential to being successful within the Cadet program.  Your level of attendance at corps activities will directly affect your eligibility for successful completion of key program milestones and/or selection for participation in enhanced program activities or selection for honours and awards.

While we understand that the Army Cadets may not be your only extracurricular activity, cadets does require a significant time commitment. 


To assist you in prioritizing attendance at corps activities and to understand how attendance may affect program participation, corps activities will be classified into three categories: Mandatory, Complementary and Optional.

It is important to note that some activities, such as tagging fundraisers are mandatory but span multiple days.  Attendance at all days may not be necessary however attendance at most or some of the scheduled days may be required. 


If there are any questions regarding attendance requirements please direct them through the chain of command.


Attendance at activities identified as ‘mandatory’ are required for all cadets.  Mandatory may be further refined to specific training groups.  Attendance at mandatory activities will affect the following:

  • Successful completion of star level training qualifications

  • Successful completion of star level training will affect eligibility for promotion

  • Selection for participation at summer and advanced training programs

  • Successful completion of specialized training qualifications

  • Successful completion of specialized training qualifications may affect eligibility for promotion

  • Selection for national and/or Corps honours and awards

  • Selection for Corps parade and leadership appointments (i.e. RSM, DSM, Platoon WO, Flag Party Commander etc.)

  • Participation in ‘special’ Corps activities as they may arise.

  • Selection for participation in competitive teams.


Attendance at activities identified as ‘complementary’ is strongly recommended for all cadets.  Complementary may be further refined to specific training groups.  Attendance at complementary activities will affect the following:

  • Selection for participation at summer and advanced training programs

  • Selection for national and/or Corps honours and awards

  • Selection for Corps parade and leadership appointments (i.e. RSM, DSM, Platoon WO, Flag Party Commander etc.)

  • Participation in ‘special’ Corps activities as they may arise.


Attendance at activities identified as ‘optional’ is recommended for all cadets.  Attendance at optional activities will affect the following:

  • Selection for Corps honours and awards

  • Selection for Corps parade and leadership appointments (i.e. RSM, DSM, Platoon WO, Flag Party Commander etc.)

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