Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps
Proudly Serving the Toronto Community Since 1971
48th Highlanders

Welcome to the 48th Highlanders Army Cadet Corps!
The Army Cadet program is a wonderful opportunity for Canadian youth between 12-18 to gain valuable skills, knowledge, confidence and make lasting friendships. The program is free to join and strongly supported by the Department of National Defense and Regional Army Cadet Leagues.
At the 48th Cadets the Staff and volunteers work close to engage and provide a fun and safe environment for learning and development.The Corps is a perfect opportunity to learn about the outdoors, develop confidence, enhance the understanding of citizenship, develop effective leadership skills, promote physical fitness and fostered interest in the Canadian Armed Forces.
We hope that you enjoy checking out our website and Facebook page. If you are a 12-18 year old (or a parent/guardian of one) looking for something fun to try, please feel free to stop by and visit. We will gladly provide you with a tour, an opportunity to ask questions and see what the program is all about.
Marsali Federico
Commanding Officer